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The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper: The Power to Change Your Health!

The benefits of cayenne pepper to your health and wellness are vast. From weight loss to lowering high blood pressure, aiding the digestive system, regulating blood sugar, and improving the immune system, these spicy peppers do it all!

Cayenne Pepper has been used as medicine and in food for centuries, as far back as 7000 B.C. Fossilized feces of ancient humans, as well as ancient seeds, were found on cave floors, confirming its use. Yet when we open the pantry cupboard, we see powdered cayenne pepper, and we don’t consider its possible health benefits.

Welcome to our investigation into cayenne pepper. Find out about its history and how this type of chili pepper treats various ailments and can improve our overall health and well-being.

Consuming cayenne pepper has various health benefits.

Cayenne Peppers

Cayenne peppers are a shrub known as Capsicum annuum, part of the nightshade plant family. This is the same family tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants come from. They are originally from Central and South America, from a region in French Guiana. Cayenne Pepper is named after the capital city of Cayenne. Today cayenne peppers are grown in every corner of the world.

Cayenne chili peppers are a type of chili pepper. They belong to the genus Capsicum, which is part of the same family. Although technically classified as an herb, the fruit is used in food and medicine, either fresh or in powdered form. It can also be used in capsules and creams to treat various ailments and as a detox treatment.

Fresh cayenne peppers are bright red, long, and thin, and when ripe, they are smooth and firm. Raw peppers are about four to ten inches long and can also be orange or yellow in color.

Capsaicin, a compound in cayenne peppers, contributes a spicy, slightly sweet, and smokey flavor.. If you eat raw fresh peppers, you might experience a crunchy, spicy kick. Even though it falls under spicy foods, cayenne peppers are not as spicy as other chili peppers. The Scoville scale is used to measure spiciness, and cayenne peppers are between 30,000 and 50,000 Scoville heat units(SHU). It is in the lower middle when up against other hot peppers around the world.

Cayenne peppers contain minerals like potassium and magnesium, vitamins C, A, C, B6, and E, manganese, flavonoids, calcium, and iron. They are also low in calories and have small amounts of fat, carbohydrates, and protein.  Additionally, they aid in indigestion, prevent heart disease, relieve arthritis symptoms, and assist with respiratory problems.

Different Forms of Cayenne Peppers

Fresh, dried, and powdered cayenne pepper can be bought at any grocery store. Dried and ground cayenne pepper is the most convenient and has a long shelf life. It also has the same health benefits. The change in form does not hinder the quality of the products.

Fresh Cayenne Peppers

Fresh cayenne peppers can be found at the grocery store but don’t have a long shelf life. They last a few days at most after purchase. Once their texture starts to change, they are overripe and can’t be consumed anymore. Once bought, put the cayenne peppers in a paper bag and into the fridge, preferably in the crisper or vegetable drawer.

Powdered Spice

A spice is often made from a powdered form of cayenne peppers, similar to chili powder in texture, and can be kept in a freezer for months.  If stored on the shelf, place it in a glass jar or similar container to keep it mold-free and keep it on a cold, dry shelf out of direct sunlight.


Cayenne pepper added into creams can be used topically to treat skin conditions or to help with muscle pain. Place a small amount of cayenne cream where needed as per the directions. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly afterward to remove the capsaicin on your hands.

Cayenne Pepper Supplements

Capsaicin capsules can be bought over the counter. Follow the instructions on the box to ensure the proper dosage.

Cayenne Pepper Benefits

Boost Metabolism

Cayenne pepper curbs hunger, which not only helps with weight loss but also regulates blood pressure levels in the body.

It also lowers bad triglycerides and bad cholesterol, keeping your metabolism working at optimum efficiency.

Colds and Flu

Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and antioxidants are abundant in cayenne peppers, all of which aid the immune system. Cayenne pepper dissolves mucus and raises your body temperature causing you to sweat and therefore, fight off the infection faster.

Powdered cayenne peppers and fresh peppers have health benefits to fight off colds and flu.

Anti-cancer Treatment

Cayenne pepper has been linked to being a possible anticancer treatment by finding tumors and destroying them. In this study, it was found that cancer cells had stopped growing and that new growth hadn’t formed in a prostate cancer case using cayenne pepper.

Another study on lung cancer found that it prevented lung cancer from starting in cells that were prone to the disease.


Cayenne pepper has anti-irritant attributes so it is highly effective at stopping diarrhea and relieving coughs, ulcers, and upset stomachs.

It is believed that ingesting large amounts of cayenne pepper leads to gastric ulcers and nervous disorder ailments, but research has shown to be the opposite and that it is beneficial for those ailments. Instead of irritating, it prompts mucus and alkali production that heals and prevents ulcers. It also stops acid production in the stomach that would potentially cause damage.


Cayenne pepper has antifungal properties, according to this study on in vitro antifungal activity, it was found that 16 different strains were killed off.

Digestive Aid

Cayenne peppers help with stomach cramps, aid digestion, soothe diarrhea, treat upset stomach aches, and slow intestinal gas.

It activates the production of gastric juices in the stomach, which ensures proper metabolization of toxins and food. Enzyme production is also triggered, which assists the digestive process.

When we ingest cayenne pepper, it prompts the salivary glands to create saliva. This not only prevents bad breath but also starts the digestive process. Regular digestion can help, lower bad cholesterol which prevents plaque accumulation and clotting, which lowers the risk of strokes.

Pain Relief

Nerve and Joint Pain

Cayenne is well-known for relieving several sorts of pain. It acts by altering the nervous system. Substance P is a neurotransmitter that transmits information and causes what we call pain. Capsaicin, a significant ingredient of cayenne peppers, inhibits substance P, hence reducing pain.

It is also used to treat nerve pain in fibromyalgia, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, nerve damage in the leg and feet, osteoarthritis neuropathy, and lower back issues.


A randomized controlled trial tested 23 migraine sufferers experiencing pain on pressure at scalp arteries by applying Topical capsaicin 0.1% to painful arteries. The results showed 17 out of 23 patients (73.9%) had a 50% reduction in arterial pain. The findings indicate that capsaicin, a compound derived from chili peppers, could be an effective topical treatment for relieving arterial pain associated with migraines.

Fresh cayenne pepper and cayenne pepper supplements help with migraines.

Improves Heart Health

Blood clots are created when substances accumulate in the blood vessels that form plaque that breaks into pieces. These pieces impede blood flow, which could potentially cause heart attacks and strokes. The capsaicin in cayenne peppers eliminates the substances accumulating in the blood cells, it also causes the blood vessels and arteries to dilate so that blockages are cleared. This allows blood flow to increase and lowers blood pressure.

Cayenne pepper boosts fibrinolytic activity to prevent heart attacks. This is a normal body process that prevents blood clots from getting larger and blocking blood flow.

Additonally, potassium found in these chili peppers regulates the heartbeat by controlling the electric signals going through the heart muscles.

Side Effects and Precautions

If you consume too much cayenne peppers or are sensitive to heat and spice you could experience various side effects.

Spice Sensitivity

If you are sensitive to spicy foods, your nose and throat may also be irritated when you ingest cayenne peppers in any form. You might experience a runny nose, upset stomach, flushing, and sweating. You may experience burning or itching when applying the creams. Therefore, it is advised to always do a patch test before applying the cream liberally.

Allergic reactions to cayenne peppers are very rare, however, if you experience swelling, skin breakouts, abnormal coughing, or even anaphylaxis when in contact with the peppers, this could mean you have an allergy to them.

Children Under 2

Children under two should not use cayenne pepper, especially on the skin, due to increased skin sensitivity.

Increased Blood Flow

Cayenne pepper is a natural blood thinner and has a high level of salicylates so if you are on blood thinners already such as Warfarin, Heparin, and Aspirin this could lead to complications. 

Additionally, antiplatelet and anticoagulant medications like naproxen, clopidogrel, ibuprofen, and diclofenac may react badly to cayenne pepper, causing them not to work as effectively.

Due to its ability to increase bleeding, it is advisable not to ingest any or use them as a topical cream for at least two weeks before any scheduled surgery.


If you take theophylline for the treatment of lung problems and asthma, absorption is hindered by cayenne pepper. This could increase side effects so it is best to check with your healthcare provider.

How To Use Cayenne Peppers

If you are not used to spicy foods, try small amounts at first until your palette is used to the taste. You can chop up fresh cayenne peppers or use the spice in a variety of ways:


  • On sauteed vegetables for a healthy stir fry.

  • To spice up stews and soups. 

  • Mixed into hummus for a snack.

  • Add it to your marmalades, sauces, and salad dressings.

  • Sprinkle on nuts and toast as a snack.

    Adding cayenne peppers to hot chocolate is delcious.


  • Mix cayenne pepper with water or lemon for a spicy twist as you hydrate.

  • Add it to hot cocoa for a sweet and spicy flavor.

Cayenne Pepper Recipes

Pain-Relieving Paste Recipe


  • 1 tablespoon fresh aloe gel

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

  • 2 teaspoons ground turmeric

  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger

  • 1 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper


In a small glass bowl, blend ingredients into a paste. 

Add 5 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil (optional)

Mix well.

Spread the paste over the affected area.

Hold it in place with a thick muslin patch and cover it with a plastic wrap, then wash your hands with soap and water straight after using this. Remove the paste after 30 minutes. 

Caution: Turmeric can stain clothing and will stain your skin temporarily. Cayenne can burn sensitive skin so do a small skin test first before applying.

Cayenne salve


Mix together two tablespoons of Cayenne pepper powder with two cups of sunflower oil in an enamel or stainless steel pot.

Heat together on low heat for about two hours.

Strain the mixture through a clean muslin.

Add 1 ½ ounces of beeswax and stir till all melted (you may have to reheat to melt it all)

Pour this into a wide-mouthed air-tight container and allow it to thicken its consistency till it’s a salve. 

Use this for muscle and joint pain relief.

Key Takeaways

To conclude, cayenne peppers are more than just spicy peppers, even adding one tablespoon of it in cooking can benefit your overall health. Cayenne pepper has proven to be a flexible and potent natural treatment, with benefits ranging from increasing metabolism and digestion to offering relief from many forms of pain, and even preventing cancers!

But the benefits don’t end there. Cayenne pepper can promote clear health, aid with weight loss, and stimulate the immune system. Its anti-inflammatory qualities make it a valuable addition to diets designed to lower the risk of chronic diseases.

Including cayenne pepper in your daily routine can be as simple as adding a dash to your favorite recipes, or making homemade creams. As with any natural therapy, begin with modest dosages to assess your body’s reaction and speak with a healthcare expert, especially if you have underlying health concerns.

4 thoughts on “The Benefits of Cayenne Pepper: The Power to Change Your Health!”

  1. I use a teaspoon of cayenne powder and a scoop of “AllGrean” powder, stirred in a large glass of water, every morning, before breakfast. Sometimes another one before lunch or supper. I can’t sense it does anything. I do this because I heard it could clean your arteries. (Really?)

    1. Hi Peter! Yes, studies do show cayenne pepper could potentially aid in clearing your arteries. Cayenne pepper is rich in capsaicin, a compound known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that may help prevent atherosclerosis or plaque accumulation. Capsaicin acts as a vasodilator, helping to relax the muscles in blood vessels for improved blood flow. Studies suggest that consuming cayenne pepper enhances circulation, strengthens blood vessels, and decreases plaque formation in the arteries.

  2. Hi. Lori. Thank you so much for sharing this important information that could potentially be life saving to some of us. Especially these days were you cannot even get honest answers about your health from your own doctors. So once again thank you for your hard work in keeping us informed and healthy. Your work is deeply inspiring and appreciated.

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